The Government via its new single body, The Money and Pensions Service, is attempting to tackle some of the issues, but acknowledge that increasing levels of financial literacy requires a multi-agency solution. Part of our role involves explaining company-sponsored benefits to staff and over the years we found that the same questions kept being asked, which highlighted the need for an education process that reached beyond benefits provided by employers, and as a result, our financial education proposition was born.
As an employer, we will work with you to identify where the biggest need in your workforce is; you may employ large numbers of young people, straight out of University, grappling with issues such as student debt, workplace pensions and home ownership; you may have a more mature workforce that is more preoccupied with retirement; it could be somewhere in the middle when the issues of families come to the fore, or it could be a mix.
Whatever your demographic is, we have material that we can adapt to your workforce and present it in an engaging informative way. We don't focus solely on financial issues either; retirement planning as an example is an area where life planning, in other words how you plan to spend your time in retirement is just as important as the financial aspect. Please contact us
for more information.